Fish goes batter with beer. Evaporation. Solubility. Insulation. And why beer-battered fish and chips are yummier. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Popcorn-fession: We are actually acrobats. Thickness. Starch. Mechanics. And why popcorn kernels pop and hop when heated. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Science friction. Knives. Kinetic energy. Heat. And the non-fiction tale of how blades can cook food. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
“Are you straight?” Amylose. Molecular structure. Retrogradation. And why some foods with sauces are best served hot. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Thick and saucy between the sheets. Viscosity. Thickeners. Starch. And why French mother sauces “roux” the world. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Gamma over. Isotopes. Food irradiation. DNA. And why gamma rays mean it’s game over for bacteria. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Hard-pressed to give more. Pressure. Temperature. Micro-organisms. And why cold pressed juices are cold pressed. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Water you mean you like me a blot? Latent heat. Evaporation. Maillard reaction. And why we blot meats before we cook them. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Bath time! Chocolate. Cheesecake. Chinese soups. And the one secret to cooking all three well. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Be rice to me! Short grain. Medium grain. Long grain. And what rice grains are used in different foods. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn