Category: Brain Food
Colors of the vino.
Glass. Metals & Oxides. Periodic Table. And what gives wine bottles and other glass bottles their colors.
Pleased to heat you!
Conduction. Convection. Radiant heat. And the science of heat transfer in cooking.
Hot or not?
Temperature. Cooking methods. Conduction. And more about the Maillard reaction.
How now, brown cow?
Amino acids. Sugars. Flavors. And the Maillard reaction, explained simply.
Whichever way you slice it, its tan just didn’t look good.
Enzymes. Oxidation. Browning. And how to keep cut apples from turning brown.
Not to toot their horn, but beans really are ‘musical fruit’.
Sugars. Bacteria. Large intestine. And why beans cause flatulence (and how to stop it).
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Butter me up baby, I’ll be your sweet caramel.
Sugars. Amino acids. Maillard reactions. And why caramelization is part of caramel (and not the other way round).