Alcohol. Brain. Neurotransmitters. And why we make bad decisions when we drink.
1-Minute Marvels
Our nervous system sends signals to different parts of our body, so that they can respond to what is going around them. These signals are electrical in nature and are carried by cells called neurons. When signals need to pass from one neuron to another, they have to cross a gap known as a synapse.

Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers across the synapse between two neurons
Electrical signals cannot cross this gap. So the electrical signals are converted into chemical ones at the neuron before the synapse. They are then transmitted by neurotransmitters across the synapse. At the neuron after the synapse,they are converted back into electrical signals again. Neurotransmitters thus play the important role of being chemical messengers, ensuring different parts of our body receive the right signals.
Alcohol affects many of these neurotransmitters. And if we drink too much of it, that can cause many of us to behave in strange ways. For example, scientists have found that drinking causes more of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (see chemical formula) to be released. Norepinephrine arouses us, and high levels of norepinephrine make us more impulsive and less inhibited. We become more inclined to seek fun and amusement without worrying about the consequences.
At the same time, alcohol reduces the level of activity in the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain associated with decision-making and rational thinking. Too much alcohol, and very bad ideas suddenly become very good ideas very quickly in our brains.
As a result, people do things they normally would not do. They might drunk dial an an ex, or call someone they dislike (to give them a piece of their less than sober mind). We have even seen people go on all fours in the middle of the street and start barking!
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What other strange things do we do when we have had too much alcohol? Tell us in the comments below!
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photos: in order – depositphotos/yuriyzhuravov; meletver; Zerbor; istockphoto/James Kopp; despositphotos/Artzzz