Mom chérie!

Chocolates. Love. Technology.  And 10 fun food puns to tell your mom she is your yummiest darling this Mother’s Day.Nomnomenon and mom with a special treat

1-Minute NomNom

Every mother the world over thinks her child is her “mon chéri” (French for darling). They care for them, protect them, and nurture them. They very often indulge their children with their favorite foods, giving them special treats when they can.

These “special treats” were what the Ferrero company had in mind as it decided over the years what sweets and chocolates to make and sell. According to The Economist, the head of the company then, Michele Ferrero, was always guided by the idea of a mother. This mother, who had to decide what to buy for her family every day, would always want to buy a little something on the side: a small treat to spoil her children.

Piece of heart-shaped chocolateMr Ferrero saw it as his responsibility to create such “special treats”: he had to help the mother indulge her children. He took this very seriously. For example, he experimented with new technologies for five years, just so that he could find ways to bend the wafers that we now find in Ferrero Rocher chocolates.

Food is often about science, but it is also about something very human: love. Especially the kind that mothers shower on their children. So as we approach Mother’s Day weekend, don’t forget to find some time and some way to say thank you to your mother!

10 fun food puns for Mother’s Day!

You can start by using any (or all!) of these 10 fun food puns to tell your mother she is your “mom chérie”!

1. You make my life butter just by being in it! (link)

2. Words cannot espresso how much you mean to me! (link)

3. You are soy awesome! (link)

4. Whisk you were here! (link)

5. Olive you! (link)

6. You are grate! (link)

7. I love you berry much! (link)

8. Thanks for raisin’ me! (link)

9. You’re a tea-rrific mom! (link)

10. Thanks Mom, I’m eternally grapeful! (link)


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Do you have a favorite food pun that I could use to thank my mom this weekend? Share it with me!

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