Dad’s great, but it’s umami who makes the best bacon cheeseburger!
Umami. Nucleotides. Glutamates. And what cheeseburgers, anchovies and soy sauce have in common.
OH! Acid what you did there.
Water. Citric acid. Polar molecules. And why adding citrus fruits give water such a zing.
“Once you meat me, you will be soy turned on.”
Umami. Glutamates and nucleotides. DNA and RNA. And why meat and soy sauce go so well together.
As-salt on sweet pineapples.
Taste. Brain signals. Ions and acids. And why pineapples taste sweeter with salt.
What a marble-ous conductor!
Dough. Heat conductor. Pastry. And why baking often calls for a marble or stainless steel countertop.
The tart and science of sailing.
Portuguese egg tarts. Trade winds. Geography. And the history of a yummy pastry and the world’s first global empire.
Pick up artist.
Force. Fulcrum. Design. And how chopsticks give us greater control when we pick up food.