Gamma over (space edition). Gamma radiation. Food and medical industry. Space science. And the many uses of gamma radiation. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Keep kale and carrot on. Phytochemicals. Microbiology. Immunity. And why vegetable self-defence means spicy vegetable recipes are less common. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Too spicy? Keep calm and curry on. Biology. Evolution. Geography. And why some cultures like their meats hot. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
The bacteria did not see that cumin. Phytochemicals. Protection. Culture. And how spices kill food spoilage bacteria. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Gamma over. Isotopes. Food irradiation. DNA. And why gamma rays mean it’s game over for bacteria. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Hard-pressed to give more. Pressure. Temperature. Micro-organisms. And why cold pressed juices are cold pressed. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Not to toot their horn, but beans really are ‘musical fruit’. Sugars. Bacteria. Large intestine. And why beans cause flatulence (and how to stop it). Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Giving fish some lemon aid. Acids. Bacteria. TMAO. And why Chinese restaurants have tanks of swimming fish. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn