Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a jam. Custard. Denaturation. Flan. And why the Southeast Asian coconut egg jam is not really a jam. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Getting fat? No wonder you are not as strong. Cross-links. Protein. Butter. And how to make fluffier omelettes. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Fear and loving in Las Egg-as. Molecular structure. Hydrophilic. Hydrophobic. And the science of protein denaturation, simply explained. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Get fresh. Crystals. Pores. Density. And how to pick up the right egg with one simple trick. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Play with your food. Acetic Acid. Calcium Carbonate. Membranes. And how to turn your egg into a toy. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Chicks love air supply. Temperature. Respiration. Crystals. And how unhatched chicks stay alive in their eggs. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Eggs-tra ap-peeling. Membranes. Temperature. Contraction. And how to peel an egg perfectly. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn