Not to toot their horn, but beans really are ‘musical fruit’. Sugars. Bacteria. Large intestine. And why beans cause flatulence (and how to stop it). Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Wagyu might want to meat me (and why you might care). Enzymes. Microbes. Evaporation. And why dry-aged beef is usually preferred over wet-aged. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Want to par-tea? Oxidation. Infusions. Enzymes. 5 things no cafe tells you about drinking tea. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
You’re pretty, but can you be fluffy? Yeast we can! Enzymes. Fermentation. Carbon dioxide. 5 ways yeast can make donuts fluffier. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
What the shell is so crab-tivating? Enzymes. Molting. Economics. And why soft-shell crabs cost more. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn