Eggs-tra white. Light scattering. Molecular size. Wavelengths. And how physics and chemistry turn transparent egg white to opaque white. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Colors! Additive. Subtractive. Wavelengths. And the amazing things colors do for food. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Eye see we are on different wavelengths. Chlorophyll. Wavelengths. Eye. And how these give us color vision. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Have you ever tasted light? UV. Wavelengths. Colors. And why colored glass bottles prevent violation of your wine. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
The glass light-hows. Materials. Energy bands. Photons. And why glass is transparent. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
“Don’t underestimate the power of the Dark Side.” Radiation. Absorption. Reflection. And getting the perfect toast. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn