Tag: solubility
Take my breath away.
Chemistry. Biology. Physics. And how breathalyzers are designed using principles also found in food and cooking.
OH! Acid what you did there.
Water. Citric acid. Polar molecules. And why adding citrus fruits give water such a zing.
Making a strong caseins for milk.
Calcium and protein. Digestive enzymes. Stomach absorption. And why milk is great for babies and bodybuilders alike.
Water you mean I’m fat too?
Ethanol. Fat and water molecules. Solubility. And why meat cooked in alcohol tastes and smells better.
Water you mean I smell?
Water and ethanol. Atomic weights and density. Solubility and volatility. And why cooking with alcohol smells better.
Don’t get worked up! It’s batter to control your tempura!
Fish goes batter with beer.
Evaporation. Solubility. Insulation. And why beer-battered fish and chips are yummier.
Su-shi told us we should stick together.
What soda can and what soda can’t.
Materials. Permeability. Solubility. And how soda cans and plastic bottles affect fizziness and taste.