As-salting the greens. Chlorophyll. Organic acids. Atom and ions. And one very simple trick to keep greens green. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Keep kale and carrot on. Phytochemicals. Microbiology. Immunity. And why vegetable self-defence means spicy vegetable recipes are less common. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Burn (sugar) baby burn. Sugars. Heat. Pyrolysis. And what chefs and scientists know and don’t know about caramelization. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
Hold me and give me a pectin on my lips, it won’t feel mushy. Cell walls. Pectin. Texture. And how not to be too mushy about vegetables. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn
It’s not easy being green, unless you let go of some hot air. Reflection. Air. Chlorophyll. And how water makes green vegetables look brighter. Continue reading… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn